Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Day before flight. Day before the biggest change of my life. Where do I begin? Well, lets start with the official "yes I'm going to study abroad." November 2009, I committed myself to what will make my life here on out. I never thought I would make such a decision. I mean, I have a family, why leave? Why? Well, this is why... to better myself, to get out of my comfort zone so that I can learn to face fears in my future, so that I can say I’ve done something a lot of people will never get the opportunity to do, so i can be different, so i can learn that there is life outside of me. Some say I’m crazy and some say that what I’m doing is pointless, but I say I’m committed to have a better life than most. One other thing I can say… I WAS SCARED. I’m going miles out of comfort zone and I had every right to be, but leaving out that zone was not my only fear. The fear was leaving behind loved ones and things in fear that it won’t be the same when I return. Lets think logically here, duh-things are never bound to remain the same, but I’m still faced this leave. Many thoughts were going through my head, so many words like what if I don’t fit in, what if I never pick up the language, what if, what if, what if? Urgggghhh. I think my ultimate fear was not being understood when in time of an emergency or getting lost. That was my biggest worry. Every one who has been tells me “don’t worry, you will be fine,” but seriously how can I not? I’ve never flew before and here I am hopping on a four hour flight AND going to a country where I don’t know the language. What is there not to freak out about? It’s funny when thought about, but I’m doing it. You only have one life to live, make the best of it and I plan on it. So here it was since November until now I’ve been anticipating the day that I take the hugest step of my life. It’s the night before my flight and I’m inspired to write down every experience, feeling, emotion, etc that happens starting now. Someone else will face what I face now and I want to be a living testimony. Did I mention I was nervous as crap?? Hahaha. I Could’t sleep with thought running through my mind. All summer I’ve been putting thoughts together. What should I bring? What will be my goals? What will I do when I come back? All these things are guaranteed to cross the mind. Question #1. What should I bring, answer: not everything could come Hahahaha. The day before my flight someone special, who has traveled abroad before, told me “bring anything that makes you at ease when stress levels rise” and that for me was my Mp3 player (music). The best advice I was given because I’m sure times like that will occur. Question #2. What are my goals, answer: LEARN!! Take everything learned and take with me in the future. Of course that’s not my only goal though. I want to change as a person mentally, emotionally, and physically. I want to adapt to a different culture and make their habits my own so that I can say change in lifestyle is possible. Question 3: What will I do when I come back? Answer: I DON’T KNOW!! There were sacrifices that came with this decision, no car, no phone, no job. Basically coming back with the same thing I had to leave with. Sacrifices must be made, and determination will have to become stronger when returning because starting over is a definite. This is a new chapter in my life, and coming back will be another, and becoming successful will be the ultimate!!

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